Exploring Perspectives: Share Your Thoughts on Religion and Spirituality! 🌟


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Hey everyone!

I thought it would be interesting to open up a discussion about religion and spirituality. Have your beliefs evolved over time, or have they remained consistent?

Feel free to share as much or as little as you're comfortable with. Let's keep this conversation respectful and open-minded, and learn from each other's perspectives! 🌟🙏
Definitely! I was born and raised Catholic. Been a normal church-goer and believer and has joined praise and worship community. The involvement of some priests in spreading black propaganda which I believe started and felt during the 2017 Philippine National Election made me rethink if I am listening to the right messengers of God. In my opinion, if you consider yourself a messenger of God's words, you must embody Christ-like consciousness instead of using your platform for personal or political agendas. It's disheartening when religious figures, who are supposed to guide and inspire with love and compassion, become entangled in divisive actions. As someone who has been immersed in the Catholic faith and actively participated in church activities, witnessing this shift in focus from spiritual guidance to political manipulation can be disillusioning.

The essence of being a messenger of God lies in embodying the teachings and virtues of Christ – love, humility, forgiveness, and empathy. When religious leaders veer away from these principles and instead propagate black propaganda or pursue personal agendas, it raises questions about the authenticity of their message.

In times like these, it's essential to discern where true spiritual guidance lies and to hold accountable those who misuse their position of influence. While this experience may challenge one's faith, it's also an opportunity to reaffirm one's beliefs based on the core teachings of love and integrity.

As you navigate this journey of faith and reflection, may you find solace in the genuine messages of love and compassion, regardless of the human imperfections that may cloud them.
Love this topic! 🙏 Religion and spirituality are such personal and diverse aspects of life. For me, they're about finding inner peace and connecting with something greater than myself. Can't wait to hear everyone's perspectives!