Have food delivery apps changed the way you eat?


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Hello! With all these food delivery apps, I feel like I've been eating out more than ever. Have they changed your eating habits? Are we losing the art of home cooking?
Hi there! I totally relate—these food delivery apps make it so easy to opt for takeout instead of cooking. I’ve noticed I’ve been eating out more too. While the convenience is great, I do miss the satisfaction of a home-cooked meal. It’s a bit of a balance, I guess, but I hope we don’t lose the art of cooking at home entirely.
Hi! Yes, food delivery apps definitely make eating out easier. I’ve noticed I cook less at home, but I’m trying to balance it by cooking on weekends. 🍽️🚀 It’s a challenge, but I think we can still keep the art of home cooking alive with a bit of effort! 🍳💪