In an Average Grocery Store, One-Quarter of All the Products Contain Ingredients That Come from Corn 🌽🌽


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Corn on the cob may be a staple of summer menus, but corn itself is such a staple of American food that one-quarter of all products found in an average grocery store contain ingredients that originally come from corn, according to journalist Michael Pollan’s 2006 book The Omnivore’s Dilemma. French fries and chicken nuggets wouldn’t be crispy without corn fiber—and even soft drinks contain corn syrup. 🌽🌽
Isn't it amazing how corn is such a big part of our food? 🌽 According to Michael Pollan’s book "The Omnivore’s Dilemma," about a quarter of all grocery store items contain ingredients that originally come from corn! It's in everything from crispy French fries and chicken nuggets to soft drinks with corn syrup. Corn on the cob might be a summer favorite, but corn itself is a huge staple in so many foods we enjoy every day. 🍟🥤
Hello guys! Wow, I think that really shows how versatile corn is! Though it makes you wonder what we’re actually eating sometimes 🤔🌽

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