‘Many nations’ ask US Coast Guard for help


Several countries have been reaching out to the United States Coast Guard for support, including training, as China pursues its sweeping South China Sea claims more aggressively, a USCG official said. USCG Pacific Area deputy commander Rear Admiral Andrew Sugimoto said the USCG is deploying an Indo-Pacific support cutter, which is going around Pacific island nations providing training and assistance. “There have been many nations that have reached out to the United States Coast Guard, and we look forward to working with each and every one of them. We have shifted some resources to the Pacific, specifically to be able to meet those commitments,” Sugimoto said at a virtual press briefing last Tuesday. US ships have been conducting exercises with the Philippines, Japan and South Korea. The USCG Cutter Waesche recently returned from patrol in the Western Pacific. It recently hosted observers from the Coast Guards of the Philippines, Japan and Vietnam for 13 days on board, according to Sugimoto. “We were able to highlight how we do operations, show how we want to reinforce rules-based order out there, safely conduct certain operations, help and show them what and how we do maintenance on our ships, which is always very important, right?” he said. “It was very nice having them on board to be able to show and do that,” he added. Sugimoto said the USCG looks forward to doing future shiprider events or having observers on board in future deployments.​