Consequences of mystic nature include negative effects such as the acceleration of climate change with implications to food production and social human being’s annihilation. About 40% people in the world are usually impacted by land degradation whereas pollinator loss puts in jeopardy crops worth $577 billion each year. Such actions as land-laying, crop-growing and raising livestock produce a quarter of green-house gases in the world. Human and animal contacts are getting closer with the development hence causing diseases such as COVID – 19 with 60% of originating from animals. Loss of the coastal habitats threatens to affect between 100 to 300 million people in terms of increased vulnerability to the floods and hurricanes. Continuing with the current trends of biodiversity’s decline is likely to slow down the progress on 35 of the 44 SDGs dealing mostly with the poverty, hunger, health, water, cities, climate, oceans, and land.