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Two elderly men are sitting in a bar. One asks the other, 'You look familiar... where are you from?' The second man replies, 'Ireland.' The first man is amazed and exclaims, 'No way! I'm from Ireland too, what a coincidence!' The second man asks, 'Which city?' The first man answers, 'Dublin?' The second man is astonished, 'I'm from Dublin myself! What a small world.' The first man continues, 'Which school did you attend?' The second man says, 'Saint Mary's, class of '89.' The first man is astounded, 'No way! I graduated from Saint Mary's, class of '89 too!' Just then, another man enters the bar and asks the bartender, 'Hey, Joe! Anything interesting happening?' The bartender replies, 'Not really... but the Murphy twins are drunk again.'