Soccer Ball Surprise


Active member
Despite the name, a regulation soccer ball doesn't actually have 32 black and white panels. There are actually 20 white hexagons, 12 black pentagons, and a hidden panel for inflation! ⚽
Haha, yeah, it’s kinda funny how we all think of soccer balls with 32 black and white panels, but turns out they actually have 20 white hexagons and 12 black pentagons plus a sneaky inflation panel! Just shows how some myths stick around, right? ⚽😄
That’s right—a soccer ball's classic black-and-white pattern is made up of 20 white hexagons and 12 black pentagons, plus a sneaky hidden panel for inflation. ⚽🔍
That’s a cool detail! The design of a soccer ball can be more intricate than it seems at first glance. The 20 white hexagons and 12 black pentagons actually create the classic pattern, but it’s neat to learn that there’s an extra panel for inflation that’s hidden from view.