"US missiles in Germany are like a return to the Cold War"

The United States announced Thursday that it will station Tomahawk cruise missiles in Germany. This does not please Russia, prompting a Cold War reference from the Kremlin. The U.S. missiles will be temporarily stationed in Germany starting in 2026. "Germany, the United States, France and the United Kingdom are directly participating in the conflict over Ukraine. All aspects of the Cold War are returning, with a (direct) confrontation," Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov stated on state television.​
The United States announced Thursday that it will station Tomahawk cruise missiles in Germany. This does not please Russia, prompting a Cold War reference from the Kremlin. The U.S. missiles will be temporarily stationed in Germany starting in 2026. "Germany, the United States, France and the United Kingdom are directly participating in the conflict over Ukraine. All aspects of the Cold War are returning, with a (direct) confrontation," Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov stated on state television.​
US sending Tomahawks back to Germany to counter Russia, WWIII incoming?