Why do some religions emphasize silence and others celebration?


Active member
Something I’ve been curious about—some religious practices really focus on silence and meditation, while others are all about music and celebration. I’m wondering why this difference exists? Is it tied to the specific goals of each faith, or is there a deeper cultural or historical reason behind it? I’d love to hear what others think or know about this!
That’s such a fascinating topic! 🤔 I think the focus on silence versus music really reflects the diverse ways people connect with their spirituality. For some traditions, silence and meditation promote inner peace and reflection, while others use music and celebration to express joy and community. ✨ It might be influenced by cultural backgrounds and historical events too!
Good question! I think silence helps with personal meditation and listening to one’s inner voice, while celebration builds community and expresses gratitude. It’s interesting how both serve different needs. ✨