Your Signature Size Says About Your Personality


Active member
They attributed some personality traits as associated with the signature you write. Research conducted in 2016 claims that increased size in males is accompanied by high levels of extroversion and that in females, this is accompanied by pathological narcissism. šŸ¤”
They attributed some personality traits as associated with the signature you write. Research conducted in 2016 claims that increased size in males is accompanied by high levels of extroversion and that in females, this is accompanied by pathological narcissism. šŸ¤”
Interesting! Bigger signatures = extroverted guys and narcissistic gals? Not sure I totally buy it, but fun to think about!
Haha, yeah, sounds kinda out there, right? People always come up with wild theories about stuff like that. Itā€™s fun to think about, but who knows how true it really is! šŸ¤­