Cats Can Taste Umami


Active member
Yep, you read that right! While most mammals lack the receptors for the savory taste sensation known as umami, cats are an exception. They have taste buds specifically tuned to detect umami, which is often found in high-protein foods like meat (a major part of a cat's diet!).

This discovery challenges our understanding of taste evolution in mammals. It suggests that cats may have developed this ability due to their reliance on meat-based diets, allowing them to better identify and enjoy their preferred food sources.

Do you think this ability gives cats a stronger preference for meat compared to other mammals? Could it explain their finicky eating habits or their love for catnip (which contains an umami-like compound)?
Looks like cats have a sophisticated palate too, with a knack for savoring umami – who knew they were such connoisseurs? 🐱👅🍜